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7 Stories, 2 Novellas
From LocalTimePublishing. Collected in one volume.
7 Stories of Mystery, Romance and Fabulation
Wish for a man like Heathcliff and Heathcliff appears. Wish you had a penis for a day and there it is. Wish for a lover both man and woman and that’s what you get. Your cousin from Transylvania arrives to make you a vampire. Aliens from outer space arrive at a new age women’s gathering. A fictional character argues with her creator.
Queer desire, the supernatural and literary pleasure make up the worlds of these short stories.
Surrealistic Pillow and Pearl of the Orient: 2 novellas of the 60s
Two stories of teenage girls in the 1960s, stories of, love, identity and protest, of revolutionary music, rebellion and experiment, of Sydney and Asia, of the spirit of the times and the promise of the times ahead.
In This Novel
Surrealistic Pillow was first published by Australian Review of Fiction. http://www.inezbaranay.com/?books=surrealistic-pillow
Pearl of the Orient was first published in my short prose collection The Saddest Pleasure. http://www.inezbaranay.com/?books=the-saddest-pleasure
Most of the stories in the collection have been previously published, in a range of anthologies and journals.
“Her prose is marked by a languid mastery of words and an idiom that might at first look careless until one realises that there is not a sentence there that does not work.” Sydney Review
“An alluring read, fragrant with Eastern experience, bitter edged with a relentless contemplated life.” Australian Bookseller And Publisher
Published in a beautiful print edition by Local Time Publishing http://www.inezbaranay.com/?page_id=1033
and available at Lulu. com http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/inezb
and at other booksellers (best to buy from Lulu, or contact author)
Ebook from Lulu http://www.lulu.com/shop/inez-baranay/7-stories-2-novellas/ebook/product-22085690.html
also from iBooks and Barnes & Noble’s Nook store
paper edition ISBN 978-1-312-85879-4
ebook edition ISBN 978-1-312-99232-0
Buy This Book
at Lulu.com http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/inezb and at Amazon and other booksellers